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InstanceMan for C4D 2025

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InstanceMan for C4D 2025


InstanceMan Plugin for Cinema 4D 2025.

Compatible with Cinema 4D 2025 on both OSX and Windows.

This is a MIT licensed open source project.

You can get other C4D versions from here.

The original source code can be found here.

There is no support for this plugin. We are just compiling it so that you can keep using it.

After installing you will find the InstanceMan under the extensions menu..

InstanceMan is a plugin for Cinema 4D that helps to make life with instance objects a little easier.

Before R20, there was another plugin around - InstanceVault, that used worked well in prior versions of Cinema 4D. Unfortunately, that plugin wasn't of much use in R20, so Robert Hitzer decided to write a similar plugin - InstanceMan.

Besides having all that functionality in R20 again, he managed to extend and improve the overall functionality and stability.


Select all instances of the same reference object.

  • Ctrl: Selects nested instances.
  • Shift: Also select reference object.


Select all unconnected instances.

  • Shift: Adds to current selection


Creates new instances or copies existing ones.

  • Ctrl: Converts current object selection to instances and sets the last selected object as reference.
  • Shift: Moves all children into the new reference object.


Renames all selected instances according to their reference object.

  • Ctrl: Also renames nested instances.
  • Shift: Enumerates the selected instances.


Relinks selected instances. The last selected instance is converted to a new reference object.

  • Ctrl: Pops up a dialog to rename the new reference object.


Extends Cinema 4Ds Make editable. Converts render- and multi-instances.

  • Ctrl: Converts nested instances directly to the root object.
  • Shift: Removes children of the instance.
  • Alt: Don't inherit children of the reference object.


Swap a selected instance with its reference object and back. Allows to edit an instance in place.

  • Ctrl: Additionally swap children.


Replaces Cinema 4Ds Frame selected objects. Render- and multi-instances are also respected.


Replaces Cinema 4Ds Frame selected elements. Render- and multi-instances are also respected.


Open InstanceMan settings

  • Default instance mode: Set your desired instance mode for newly created instances.
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