Align Tools

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Tools to help you align and distribute objects in your viewport.

Context sensitive depending on what camera view you are working in.

Align objects to the bounding box of another object using one of the following:

  • Align Horizontal
  • Align Vertical
  • Align Bottom
  • Align Top
  • Align Right
  • Align Left
  • Align X/Y/Z

Use the Distribution tools to give equal spacing between the selected objects bounding. These work in World Space by default. If you hold down CTRL then it will distribute along their parent objects X/Y/Z axis.

  • Distribute Horizontally or Vertically
  • Distribute X/Y/Z

Distribution Object - Place objects beneath it to distribute along X/Y/Z.

Additional information at can be found here.

Available for OSX and Windows for R20 to R25.

This product is not currently for sale.

You will get installers for R20-R25 for both OSX and Windows.

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Align Tools

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